Wednesday, February 4, 2009

200 New Species Found. Global Warming To Blame?

Are you still worried about all the talk of animals going extinct? Don’t be. The world still revolves around the sun, there are births, there are deaths, and species go extinct. And new ones are found. Much to the dismay of the global warming crowd, for every extinction, there is a new birth. Take a look at these.

frog-1 frog2 sali

Ten newfound species of amphibians — including a frog with spiky skin and three varieties of frogs with transparent skin — have been discovered in the mountains of Colombia.

The new species were found on a recent expedition led by herpetologists from Conservation International and ornithologists from the Ecotrópico Foundation in Colombia’s mountainous Tacarcuna area of the Darien, near the border with Panama.

Over a period of three weeks, the scientists identified approximately 60 species of amphibians, 20 reptiles and almost 120 species of birds, many of them apparently found nowhere else in the world.

Well I’ll be danged. In three weeks they found 200 species of “new” animals. Now how does that square with all the gloom and doom of the Global Warming Cult saying that “______” is going extinct this week? Just imagine what else is out there we don’t know about.

Colombia holds one of the most diverse amphibian communities in the world, with 754 species currently recorded.

Amphibians are considered important indicators of ecosystem health because their porous, absorbent skin makes them highly susceptible to pollution and climate change.

Other surprising findings included the presence of Central American species recorded for the first time in the northern area of South America, including a salamander (Bolitoglossa taylori), a rain frog (Pristimantis pirrensis), a small lizard (Ptychoglossus myersi) and a snake not yet identified.

Many frog and amphibian species around the world have suffered die-offs in recent years because of a lethal fungus that infects their skin and spreads quickly between geographic areas.

“Without a doubt this region is a true Noah’s Ark,” said Jose Vicente Rodriguez-Mahecha, scientific director of Conservation International-Colombia. “The high number of new amphibian species found is a sign of hope, even with the serious threat of extinction that this animal group faces in many other regions of the country and the world.”

The expedition also recorded the presence of large mammals such as Baird’s tapir (Tapirus bairdii), whose closest relatives include horses and rhinoceroses, and which are listed on the IUCN Red List as endangered in Colombia.

The biologists also found four species of monkeys, including Geoffroy’s spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi), Geoffroy’s tamarin or red crested bare-faced tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi), white-throated capuchin or Gorgona white-fronted capuchin (Cebus capucinus), and the mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata). Populations of the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), which resembles a furry pig, also were found.

Yep, The cult would have you think the world is collapsing around us. But as you can see, this world is cyclical. That goes for the climate as well as the inhabitants. The arrogance of some people to think we can change that is just beyond belief. We, as a species, are newcomers to this planet, and would do well to remember that fact and quit trying to alter the course of life.


1 comment:

  1. Ada spesies baru nih, tp blm tentu karena global warming deh kayaknya


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