Sunday, May 3, 2009

Global Warming – Apocalypse or Just an Exaggeration?

Clint Jhonson asked:

The constant climate change is a fact that we just can’t disregard anymore. As unreal as it may sound, the world may soon end and we have some fault whereas these changes are concerned. Global warming is something that can’t be controlled as easily as one might think, having a dreadful effect all over the world. The catastrophic results reflect on the biodiversity of the planet and its eco-systems.

In order to attract people’s attention, many “festivals of life” and other similar campaigns have been organized in order to save Mother Earth. But campaigns, commercials, experiments… they are all useless when it comes to climate change. Responsible for this situation are indirectly greenhouse gases and directly the human race. In order to remediate this problem, the Kyoto protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997. The international agreement was signed by several countries (with well-developed industries), all agreeing on the importance of reducing greenhouse gases that have led to climate change.

All this trouble could have been avoided if the emissions of these gases would have been interdicted since their first appearance, but people are greedy and they always put money before ecology, not realizing that as rich as you may be, it means nothing… if the air that surrounds us is not breathable.

Although it is quite late, the solution remains the same and could still be put in practice in order to save what is left of nature, and that is: stopping the emission of greenhouse gases. But what are people constantly thinking about? Ecology? Of course not! Economy! Are they thinking that with the daily burning of new fossil fuels, the Amazon forest that sustains life on Earth is dying a little bit more and more? It’s hardly likely!

Global warming is a real problem and one that should be tackled with more seriousness. What we have seen in movies like “Armageddon”, “The Apocalypse”, “The end of the days”, “The core”, etc, is becoming more and more a possibility. Maybe it won’t happen now, but in 20-25 years or something… who knows?

In their attempt to stop climate change, a lot of scientists have repeatedly said that it is a “must” to develop forests, as many and as big as possible. This is the only way of reconstructing the ozone “blanket”. We all know that this gas – the ozone – is one of the most important gases that exist in the Earth’s atmosphere. The ozone has the very difficult task of blocking the harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching the Earth’s surface and it also helps the temperature of the Earth’s surface to stay warm enough.

Global warming is the single most destructive force hurting our planet. The industrial revolution of the past two centuries has taken a toll on our planet’s wild life and environmental infrastructure due to mankind’s destructive behavior. Global climate change is obvious in all corners of the Globe, from melting polar ice caps to ozone depletion. The theory behind this phenomenon is that the Earth receives heat from the Sun; the Sun gives off the heat in the form of radiation in which the Earth absorbs 70%, which warms the surface and the oceans, while the remaining 30% is reflected into space.

1 comment:

  1. But 2006 and 2007, according to NASA data, passed without any sign of a new solar cycle. During this time, the sun remained unusually quiet. Then, in early 2008, scientists finally found what they were waiting for -- a single sunspot with a reversed magnetic
    Very Low Solar Activity Causes Some to Speculate About a New Dalton Minimum
    According to Wikipedia, the Dalton Minimum was a period of low solar activity stretching from 1790 to 1830. Like other long period solar minimums such as the Maunder Minimum and the Sporer Minimum, it resulted in crop failures, lower than average global temperatures, and little ice age conditions in the Northern Hemisphere.

    If the sun is entering a new period of very low activity it would presage a 30 year or more drop in global temperatures.


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