Saturday, May 9, 2009

Transportation and Its Impact on Global Warming

Transportation is important to the lives of many individuals, not just Americas. Many commuters rely on the road to get them to and from work, to travel on vacation, to run weekly errands, as well as to make it to important appointments. Unfortunately, we are starting to learn just how much of an impact our reliance on transportation costs. This is most evident in global warming.

When it comes to global warming, you will find that it is defined as the rise in the earth?s temperature, due to the increase in the emission of greenhouse gases. Although all of the vehicles on the road does have a negative impact on global warming and the environment, it is not the sole cause. With that in mind, transportation is an issue that should be discussed. It has been said that each car that is taken off the road can reduce carbon emissions by as much as seven to eight hundred pounds!

Although there is proof that our vehicles have a negative impact on the planet, most of us keep on driving, as if there were nothing wrong. Why is this so? It is largely due in part to a popular misconception. Unfortunately, many drivers believe that they have to completely give up their vehicles or buy a new, energy efficient one. Of course, these methods are the best ways to go about reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that enters into the earth?s atmosphere, but it is important to remember that these two options are not your only.

As previously stated, you do not have to completely give up your vehicle to help in the fight against global warming. What you will want to do, however, is limit your uses. Are you able to carpool or use public transportation? Is your workplace within walking distance? If it is, you may want to leave your vehicle in your driveway. With that in mind, be sure to remember that you do not have to completely give up your vehicle. For instance, you may need to drive yourself to and from the supermarket. If so, try and invite a friend along or carpool with another family member. Also, limit your shopping trips and get as much as you can all in one trip. These are all steps that can help.

In keeping with using your vehicle, it advised that you get your vehicle checked. Does your car?s air filter need to be changed? Are your tires properly inflated? Did you know that these two simple things can save you money, while helping to stop the affects of global warming? They can. In fact, many experts suggest that you change your car?s air filter once a month. As for your car tires, keeping your tires properly inflated at all times can help to get you better gas mileage, as well as lessen the amount of pollutants that come from your vehicle.

As previously stated, one of the best ways to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from your vehicle is to upgrade. If you are driving an older model, you may want to consider upgrading. There are a number of affordable energy efficient vehicles and hybrids available for you to choose from. Even if you are unsure as to whether or not a new car is in your budget, you may still want to take a look at what is available. Many consumers are actually surprised with the affordability of many hybrids and other energy efficient vehicles.

As a reminder, you are urged to do your part to help limit the amount of carbon dioxide that enters the earth?s atmosphere from your own vehicles. With that in mind, its important to remember that you do not have to go completely green, which is a term used to commonly define global warming activists. Every step that you take to help in the fight against global warming, no matter how large or small, is likely to help.

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