Monday, September 14, 2009

The American Pika Is Losing The Battle With Global Warming

No, not Pikachu. The American Pika is a little animal with a big problem. These cute, hamster-sized mammals live in the Rockies where they rely on the snow and high altitude to stay cool.

And keeping cool is super important – just a few hours of exposure to 78 degree temps can kill a Pika!

But rising temperatures from global warming are forcing the Pika to seek refuge at higher and higher altitudes in order to stay cool in the summer months.

Soon, there will be nowhere left for them to climb...

Will you urge the Senate to move quickly on a crucial bill to fight global warming this week, as they return to Washington?

There's no time to delay! Send your letter demanding urgent action on global warming today.

The Pika is about to become the first mammal in the continental U.S. to be added to the Endangered Species list because of global warming.

As soon as this month, the Senate will consider a once-in-a-lifetime bill to fight global warming. But if they fail to pass it quickly, it could mean the end for the Pika and other threatened species like Polar Bears and Monarch Butterflies.

The Senate is back from recess and on Capitol Hill – now is the time to shape their priorities.

Write your senators now to make sure that passing a strong climate bill is their top priority right out of the starting gate.

Once you've sent your message, please spread the word to your friends and family and ask them to join you in protecting the Pika and the Polar Bear.

Global warming is here. If we don't act now, it won't be long before animals like the Pika are history.

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