Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tips to save our environment

Guns embed electrical plugs, although, when the electronic device is turned off = 40-50% saving of electricity costs you must pay each month. And that also, reduce the heat arising from an electronic device that spread to global warming.

Did You Know??

1. Guns embed electrical plugs, although, when the electronic device is turned off = 40-50% saving of electricity costs you must pay each month. And that also, reduce the heat arising from an electronic device that spread to global warming.
So release all electrical plugs when you go or not used.

2. Plastic bags take 1000 years to decompose in the landfill (landfills). Around 300 million plastic bags were thrown away each year in Indonesia. Not to mention that dumped in the river behind the house and where they should not. 10kg paper prepared in the newspaper selling flea market, which requires 1 tree, takes 10 years to be big. Imagine what happens to illegal logging.

How many trees have been cut down for you? Imagine how they make the world hotter?
So bring own bags from home when you shop, try calculating how much you save when you plastic shopping once...?? ?

3. When you buy 1 liter of mineral water bought in supermarkets = 5 liters of water. Ask why?, Because at the factory, to cool the hot plastic bottles new printed, requires 5 liters of water.
Listing bottle what is safe to use as a bottle of water? See the sign below the bottle, look for 2.3 or 4 numbers. Number 2 than that, they're not safe, because you eat plastic!!

4. TISSUE who has used it on guns can recycle, as well as former hit carton oil, food, cakes, drinks; they’re only a waste (garbage). Estimates of people wearing TISSUE day = 6 seed 2200 seeds a year. It means that we reduce the waste of paper as much as 7 Billion seed a year. GREAT IS NOT IT?

Or use a handkerchief, towel cloth can be used over and over guns' such as tissue.

5. Be Green on ATM?
If at the bank no money

to take guns' uses receipt / proof of the transaction or be smart dong: Transfer via Internet banking mobile banking or 8 BILLION times in ATM transactions are issued a paper receipt of each epidemic is one of the largest sources of waste in the world.

If during the year the transaction guns' uses paper receipt, it will save a large roll of paper which could create around equator line until 15 times.

6. Have a minimum of 2 kinds of trash in the house, helping to reduce water pollution, air and soil.

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